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Saturday, November 24, 2007

I have so many things to do. That is an undeniable fact. It makes me shiver as I remember the thing I shall do, like my environmental science essay as well as my Filipino short story. But then, that isn’t simply a story, because it must have a twist, something like an unexpected ending.

Amidst all the things I must do, I still managed to play my game. It is because simply it is my comfort zone. I feel relax whenever I play. And after some hours of playing my mind is like ready to go. I can’t think better now and make there is already an urge to make my thing. And also the music (the corrs) that plays is so enticing and it makes me feel better. As a proof, is actually I am making this blog entry. I just feel like writing a blog entry though I have nothing to say.

Last Friday we were assigned of our group for our upcoming debate this January. The class is basically divided into two groups, alphabetically. I just hate making a group alphabetically. It is because I feel sorry for my group. No I am not criticizing or underestimating my group, it’s just that there are a lot of excellent persons in the other and I feel inferior.

Another thing that adds up to what I feel is that with our stand in the debate, because we got the negative side. Meaning we have to say that goods imported from china should not be regulated. It is just so hard to defend that proposition. Basically there are more arguments with the affirmative side.

Haaaayyy.. I just feel so bad for myself and for my group. So I think I just have to take this as a challenge.

posted by kd @ 4:43 PM

Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Waking up at 4:00 am to get ready for a 7:30 class is no joke. This is my routine during Mondays, Tuesdays, as well as Thursdays. But this Monday is different. Different in a way that something unexpected happened.

This morning seemed an ordinary Monday. I woke up do my morning rituals and prepared to go to school. I was already rushing and quite nervous because I felt that I was going to be late because of a great traffic jam. I said to myself that I should have left the house earlier. But then I still managed to arrive by at least 7:30 am. And so I rushed all the way to the assigned room. When I opened the door, I was really shocked with what I saw. There was only one person in the room. Then again I said to myself (I'm fond of talking to myself. Am I not?) “Good thing I was not late”, because if that happened then that would be my second late for that class. After I placed my bag on the table, I went down to go the comfort room to fix my exhausted self. When I got back in the room, my classmate said "FREE CUT!” And it was like OMG are you serious?!?!? But then, they were serious after all. And I felt somewhat irritated. Because all of my effort of waking up early just went straight into the dear old trashcan. And I just have to worry with my ONLY subject for that day (We were also free cut with my last class. But at least it was announced.).

I was really disappointed with what happened. And so, as a stress relief for me, I decided to go shopping. I bought clothes such as shirts and pants, and also some personal stuff. At least for that moment I forgot all the things happened early this morning, and was able to somehow "recover" for that incident.

Okay I have no more to say. Till my next misadventure! :-)

posted by kd @ 3:47 PM