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Monday, October 27, 2008

I went to Ocean Park Hong Kong. Technically I am not alone, but i felt like I am alone. Because I tried all the amenities all by myself. It's like having a company, yet you don't feel it. Anyway, I am really fine with that. I don't really care if I go there all by myself. Because for me, what matters most is I enjoy what the place has to offer.

First of was the cable car. Upon entering the station there's this picture booth. There were two attendants on that spot. They were speaking cantonese so I don't understand whatever they were saying. But based on their actions, it seems like they were aking me if I want to take a picture (I really thought it was compulsary at first, so i just kept nodding my head). They actually re-did the picture taking because I wasn't prepared the first time. Hahaha. So while in the cable car, there's this two chinese men entered int our car. I felt so awkward about it. I mean there's a lot of cars on queue (empty), and why do they have to ride with us? I felt so violated. Hahaha. The feeling was exciting and at the same time worrying. I just felt that anytime, it would just fall off it's cable and we'll go rumbling down the mountains to the ocean. I also saw this dragon (or was it a seahorse) shape tree arrangement engraved on the mountain cliff. It was so cool. I tried taking a pic, but I failed. Hahaha..

After the cable car ride I get to ride the rides! My favorite part of the trip. The first ride I rode was the space wheel. It was so exciting. It was like my initiation to all the ride I will be riding on.

The next ride was the Wild River. It is like the Jungle Log Jump (not sure with name) from EK. In this ride you would enter dry and get out dripping wet. And I mean it. It was like you were submerged in the river. Hahahaha. But I wasn't that wet because I covered my shirt with my bag. the only part that's wet when I came out was my hair, hallf of my pants, and a little of my shoes. And no I am not dripping when I went out. Hahaha.

After that I rode the Mine Train. This is like a little roller coaster with no spins but full of drops. Hahaha... It was fun too and i really enjoyed it amidst the grave heat of the sun shining upon me. And before this ride ends, they have this auto picture taker and yeah I smiled before it. Good thing i was in the middle part so I have a split second of preparation, that was just enough for me. 

After that Mine Train ride, It's time to take a rest and watch the Sea Dreams show in one of the Theater. It was so good. I was so amazed that they were able to train those dolphins and sea lions really well. I like how they performed the tricks. But there was one naughty sea lion. It did not follow its master instead, it swam around the pool half of the program's duration. Hahaha. It's kinda cute you know!

After the show we took our lunch at McDonalds. It was expensive! I spent like HK$65 for one 6 pieces nuggets, crispy chicken fillet burger, minute maid orange juice, and a medium sprite. and take note that value meal was not available that time so I have to pay for those goods individually. There was even no fries.

After taking the lunch, I felt I am not ready for the other rides. So i just went in the aquarium (Atol Reef). And it was really beatiful in there. Way better than Manila Ocean Park (MOP).  The water in the aquarium in MOP was a  little blurry, but in Hong Kong Ocean Park, It was so clear, and it's as if there was no water at all in tha enourmous tank. Their tank was very diferent beacuse is  not a tunnel, though they have that too, but on a different amenity). You have turn around that big cylindrical fish tank that is around 3-5 floors! It was so cool. You can take a look at the pictures in my multiply.

Upon finishing the Atol Reef tour, I felt that I am just ready to continue my rides. I rode the Eagle which is like the Condor in EK. But this one is way better, because the seats change angles. though it's hot, I felt like I not feeling it because I enjoyed the ride too much.

After that Eagle ride, I went to the Abyss. Sounds scary? Yeah, It is perhaps the scariest ride I rode in my trip. Because in that ride I screamed with ever screaming. Weird? Have you ever felt that you wanted to scream yet no scream or a single voice came out of your mouth? That exactly what happened with me! I screamed in no voice. That's actually the first time I have experienced that! That is a one moment to treasure. So how is the ride anyway? You would be lifted very high, like a 20-40 storey building and it would drop you with the acceleration of 9.8 m/s. It's a feeling of free fall. I was the scariest yet the fondest ride I ride. In that ride I felt falling without ever falling and screamed without ever screaming. Hahaha.

After that fun ride, I rode another ride named Crazy Galleon. It is like a mini version of anchor's away in EK. But the same intense. It was funny because everyone in the ride seems laughing. Hahaha. Crazy indeed.

I really rode the Dragon last. It is like the space shuttle in EK. It was very fun and scary too. But i wasn't that scared and the intenstiy in the Abyss is was better than that. In fact, I got more scared in the Abyss compared to the Dragon. But it was fu though.

So I rode all the rides on that side after he Dragon. So it's time to go back to the other side of the park. There's was really nothing to see in there but a bunch of kid's stuff. We were suppose to go home but i heard in the announcement that there will be a show in the Whisler's theater, so i just head there. The show is about how thw trainers train the sea lions. It was amazing. Though there were less tricks and stunts comapred to the first show i watched, it was still good overall. An that show comcluded my Ocean Park Hong Kong Adventures.

posted by kd @ 10:50 AM